We are delighted to be invited by the Fabrique des santés on Wednesday June 7 at 12:30 pm.

La Fabrique des santés is a collective that facilitates open cooperation and the emergence of common ground in the field of health and care1.

On this occasion, we will discuss free and opensource software to improve care, and in particular the computerized patient record ToobibPro backed by the prologiciel (ERP2) Dokos.

Initially developed for the needs of midwives, it is intended to become a multi-professional healthcare software package, to be used in particular by health centers. Being opensource, the values of mutual aid, ethics, eco-responsibility, security and fair costs are at the heart of this project.

Recently, the Dokos project joined forces with InterHop.org, a non-profit association that promotes, develops and makes available free and open-source software for healthcare.

Dokos for midwives is now hosted on Interhop’s HDS-certified servers3. This allows costs to be shared with other services already offered by Interhop: Goupile, Cryptpad.

Join Céline DECULTOT and Adrien PARROT on June 07 to create together the care software of the future, opensource and ethical by nature.

➡️ The presentation is available online here.

➡️ The replay is here: https://peertube.interhop.org/w/1xpBeqYRqt82zbZU2fG1jb

➡️ If you’d like to chat with us about the Toobib project, you can do so on the Element instant messenger here: https://matrix.to/#/#toobib:matrix.interhop.org

➡️ And reports on previous meetings, here: https://pad.fabmob.io/s/Ns_ScQ7G2#